Thursday, August 1, 2013

Already August

Hi Yamz! I hope you are doing well in there. You seem to be moving quite a bit so I assume you are learning a lot about yourself and the sounds and flavors of the world right now. Sometimes when I'm laying down, your Dad likes to come by and jiggle or poke you until you kick him. It's good to learn this about him now.

Right now the house is very still. Jessie is sleeping on the staircase and your Dad is helping out at Special Olympics. He has been working really hard on the house lately. We have a brand new wood floor that looks beautiful! I'm sure it will be a fun place for you to drive cars around or race ponies on.

It was great fun seeing you last month. We brought your Grandma and all three of us saw many of your tiny parts. We saw the bones in your legs, the chambers of your heart, your brain...we even saw you swallow. It looks like you are doing a lot of work in there. When the technician left us, you were floating upside down, showing off all the bones that make up your spine. She said you are a girl. She left the image of your spine floating on the screen for a long time while your Dad, your Grandma, and I all sat around thinking about you as a girl person and looking at the print outs of your ultrasound. Several of the print outs were very surprising. You weren't bashful about showing off your skull. It's pretty cute when you look at it closely.
The other pictures were very sweet.
It's nice to see you have skin and a nose. 

Lately it's been very hard to concentrate on my school work (though I have...because school can be important) because I want to make you so many things. So far I have made you an afghan with lots of fuzzy bits and ropey bits ...

and some little elf-y shoes for xmas. Maybe someday I will teach you how to crochet and sew little felt things too. It's nice to know you could make your own socks if you had to- peace of mind. 

I'd better get some exercise in before your Dad comes back. It's nice to be able to move again without feeling like I'm going to throw up.  I am constantly surprised by how fast you are growing! Every time I look in the mirror I'm shocked by how far we have come already.  This is a very sweet time, knowing you are in there doing your thing while I'm doing my job outside. I hope you are having a sweet time too. I'm eating a lot of chocolate just to make sure. 

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